Renew and Revitalize This Spring Using Energy Medicine

Renew and Revitalize This Spring Using Energy Medicine

It is officially the season of Wood energy. Spring has arrived! Next up…Easter!

This brings up the idea of renewal, rebirth and growth. Regardless of what Easter means to you, our energies are ready to burst forward with the power of the Springtime. It is literally in our nature to begin anew, take our first steps, and grow during this time of year. We’re ready to make decisions and take action. It’s time to revitalize our lives!

However, if our Wood energy is stuck in any way, we have a hard time moving forward with our ideas and plans we have been building upon all winter long. For many, this would be very frustrating and lead to a state of anger, which are two of the negative emotions related to imbalanced Wood energy.

So, to help us all push forth easily and with confidence using our strong Wood energies during Spring, I made a video of a very simple energy medicine technique you can utilize. Check it out below!

It just takes 1 quick hot minute to bring your Wood energies back into alignment so you can make life happen they way you want it to!

Another way you can live in harmony with the Spring season is to begin new things in all areas of your life -in your relationships, within yourself, in your career, at home, and so on. If there’s a best time to look at things differently and with a fresh set of eyes, it’s right now during this season when even nature wants to reinvent itself. Begin now!

You can also begin anew by scheduling a consult to see if you’d like to partner with me in getting your energies aligned so we can set you up for success in a big way. With that, I wish you a very Happy Easter!

Cate XO