Insta-Cleanse: A Simple Energy Medicine Technique For Internal Spring Cleaning

Insta-Cleanse: A Simple Energy Medicine Technique For Internal Spring Cleaning

Now that we’re almost done hunkering down to get through the winter months where we’ve likely been eating heavier foods (in a good way) and a diet high in meat, carbs, oils, dairy, alcohol, and warming spices, it’s time for a Spring cleaning.

Even if you haven’t followed the natural rhythm of eating the aforementioned foods this past Winter or if you live in a warm climate all year round, you will likely feel ready to burst into Spring with fresh energy anyway.  We’re talking about a cleaning from the inside out. Cleanse your body and your environment to really thrive in life this Spring!

To help you with this cleansing process, check out the video below. I’m offering you a simple way to get an insta-cleanse using energy medicine!

Do this neurolymphatic reflex point cleansing once to a few times a day to get optimal results.  Other benefits of this energy medicine technique are feeling more energized and awake and a stronger immune system.

To expand a little on this topic, the season of Spring is ruled by the Wood Rhythm (or Element) in traditional Chinese medicine, which controls the liver and gall bladder systems in your body. The energy of these two systems are at a peak during Spring, so giving the liver and gall bladder a tune-up during this season is very beneficial to your well-being. Using the simple energy medicine technique from the above video supports this tune-up very quickly to help your body thrive.

Furthermore, the liver works to remove toxins from the blood. It also is responsible for keeping a smooth flow of energy throughout your body so your blood can move smoothly too. If energy related to your liver becomes stuck or stagnant, toxins start to buildup and symptoms of all sorts start to appear.

The liver wants to do a “Spring Cleaning!” When your home or environment becomes cluttered, it messes with the flow of liver energy. Since liver energy is surging in the Springtime, people tend to feel the natural urge to do the traditional Spring Cleaning process of their homes. Pretty cool, huh?! So give into the urge and get cleaning. Go ahead, rid yourself of old baggage from the past!

Also, a big buzzword nowadays is to do a “Liver Cleanse,” and if you’re into doing such things, Spring is the perfect time to do so. If a liver cleanse is too intense for you, simple things you can try are adding lemon to your water in addition to making sure you’re drinking lots of plain clean water to begin with. Both of these actions really help to detoxify the liver.

In a couple of weeks, I’ll be writing about what foods and exercises will keep your energies balanced during the Spring season. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, if you just can’t wait to learn more about energy medicine, send me a message with your questions, comments, or concerns, and I’ll help you the best way I can!

